The Certified Tension Advisor – Badminton (CTA-B) is a specialized certification focusing on one of the most confusing aspects of badminton: racket string tension. For over 20 years, tension has been a source of uncertainty for both stringers and players. This certification aims to address this gap in knowledge and improve the overall standard of play in the badminton community.
Certified Tension Advisor Skills Development
Why this certification important:
- Players often don’t know what tension is best for them
- Many stringers just follow player instructions without giving advice
- Players try different tensions but still feel unsure
- Tension choices are usually based only on skill level
This certification helps stringers:
- Learn more about racket tension
- Give better advice to all types of players
- Choose tension based on how a player likes to play
- Help players improve their game with the right tension
Differences from Other Certifications
Many stringing associations provide general knowledge that often comes from tennis. However, badminton has unique needs. This certification focuses specifically on badminton, offering insights that directly apply to the sport.
Who Should Get Certified:
- Stringers who run sports shops
- Certification testers who provide stringing courses
- Badminton coaches
- Players seeking a deeper understanding of tension
Certification Goals:
- Help stringers choose the right tension for every level of player
- Guide players in selecting tension that enhances their strengths
- Improve the standard of play for casual to competitive players
- Provide tension advice for all levels, including professionals
Requirements for Certified Tension Advisor – Badminton (CTA-B) Certification
To be eligible for this certification, you must fulfill the following requirements:
- Must be 18 years or older
- Knowledge of badminton
- For those converting from BSW Certified Badminton Stringer (CBS), passing this tension certification is mandatory
Theoretical Examination (CTA-B)
Theoretical Knowledge consist of 80% of certification.
The exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions covering:
- Tension recommendations for different basic string types
- Effects of different tensions on main and cross strings
- Suitable tensions for various age groups and skill levels
- Tension theory
- How to prevent choosing wrong tensions
This test evaluates how well the master stringer understands international tournament level badminton stringing and can fulfill the requirements of professional players needs.
Practical Skills Assessment (CTA-B)
Practical Assessment consist of 20% of certification:
- Player interview demonstration
- Choosing the right tension for different levels of badminton players
Additional Component:
For those taking both the Certified Badminton Stringer and Tension Advisor certifications, there will be customer service questions on helping players choose better tension.
Assessment Criteria
The certification assessor will evaluate the following:
- Understanding of Tension Basics
- Knowledge of how tension affects racket performance
- Ability to explain tension concepts in simple terms
- Skill in assessing a player’s style and needs
- Ability to ask the right questions to understand player preferences
- Capability to suggest suitable tensions for different player levels
- Understanding of how to adjust tension for various playing styles
- Familiarity with different string types and their tension characteristics
- Ability to match string types with appropriate tensions
- Skill in troubleshooting common tension-related issues
- Ability to adjust recommendations based on player feedback
- Clear explanation of tension choices to players
- Effective guidance on tension maintenance and adjustment
- Demonstration of tension selection process in real scenarios
- Ability to conduct informative player interviews about tension needs
- Understanding of when to recommend tension changes
- Awareness of safety limits in tension recommendations
Certification Award
Candidates who successfully pass the theoretical exam and interview will be awarded the “BSW Certified Tension Advisor – Badminton” certificate. This certificate is not locally printed or computer-generated. Instead, each certificate features a unique reference number, allowing BSW to recognize and appreciate those who have passed and are committed to raising the standard of the badminton community.
The official hardcopy certificate will be issued directly by the BSW headquarters and can be sent to recipients in any country. This ensures the authenticity and prestige of the certification, reflecting the high standards set by BSW for badminton stringing professionals worldwide.
Certification assessor
The certification assessor will evaluate these skills following below to ensure the candidate meets the required standards for certification of Certified Badminton Stringer (CBS) .
- Correct stringing technique for both 2-knot and 4-knot methods
- No crossovers in the string bed
- Maintained frame shape
- No string or grommet damage
- Straight, evenly tensioned strings
- Consistent string bed stiffness across all four rackets
- Proper time management (60 minutes per racket)
- Accurate responses to theoretical questions
- Appropriate customer service approach
Certification Award
Stringers who successfully pass both components of the exam will receive a BSW Certified Tension Advisor certificate. This official document, issued by Best Stringer Worldwide (BSW), recognizes the stringer’s demonstrated skills and knowledge. The original Certified Tension Advisor certificate will be sent to successful candidates in any country, validating their achievement in badminton tension knowledge.
Sample Certificate Only
BSW employs rigorous security measures to verify the authenticity of every certified stringer. This ensures players can confidently identify and access the most skilled and legitimate stringers in their country. Our certification process maintains the highest standards of excellence in badminton racquet stringing worldwide.
Sample Cert Only, different countries can request country specific certified stringer certificates from BSW.
Certification Pathway
The BSW Badminton Stringer Pathway offers a comprehensive journey for stringers to achieve excellence in tension and string advisory. Starting with the Certified Tension Advisor – Badminton (CTA-B) and Certified String Advisor – Badminton (CSA-B) levels, advisors can progress to the Professional Badminton String & Tension Advisor (PBSTA) status. This pathway encompasses specialized knowledge in tension optimization, string selection, and racquet customization. By completing each certification, advisors demonstrate increasing expertise, with the ultimate goal of becoming recognized as a “Best Stringer Worldwide” – a mark of true excellence in badminton racquet optimization and player performance enhancement in the badminton community.
Certified Tension Advisor – Badminton (CTA-B)
Learn about the Certified Tension Advisor – Badminton (CTA-B) certification, including what string tension does to a racket, how to choose the right tension for different players, and basic tension theory for badminton rackets, all explained in simple terms to help stringers, coaches, and players understand how tension affects badminton play and what it takes to become a certified advisor in this often misunderstood aspect of the sport.
Certified Tension Advisor Certification
Learn about racket tension for badminton players. Help players choose the right tension for their style. Understand how tension affects play. Improve your skills to advise players better. Join our program to help the badminton community.
Get Certified